*Thank You*
Thank you for your interest and purchases in 2021.
I will be cleaning and organizing my studio in January. Will be making costumes, frames and accessories for 2022 production. I will be posting new pieces for sale as available on this website. I also show new pieces on Instagram and Facebook as they are available.
Again… thank you for letting me continue to design and craft my designs. I started in 1987 and grew to a production staff of over 30 craftsmen. After 30 years of directing production in my studio I chose to stop my large production to focus on a smaller studio producing on my own. Thank you for your patience in waiting for new pieces. I still love the designing and crafting of my designs… One At A Time…..
For 2022 I will be working with the following themes…..
Traditional (usually dressed in red)
Whimsical (Gingerbread… Snowmen… puppies)
Lodge Look ( pine trees… bears.. etc)
Elegant (Assorted colors Red, Burgundy, Gold, Black with a touch of glitz)
I will be making pieces in 18″, 21″ and 24″ sizes. Please continue to watch hollyhocksgifts.com to see pieces as they are added for sale beginning in February. They go fast and we do not have a waiting list.
Again… thank you for continuing to collect. You can’t have too many! Right??
Lynn Haney

After 30 years, Lynn Haney closed his production studio at the end of December, 2016.
Hollyhocks will be the only retail store representing his work beginning in January 2017. He will be making One of a Kind Santas and small Limited Editions. In addition to these pieces he will be selling his extensive collection of Vintage pieces he has created over the past 30 years.
They will change frequently on our website. Only pieces that are available will be shown on this site. Check back for new additions throughout the year.
Click here to learn more about the Lynn Haney Collection and the history behind these heirloom Santas.
Latest Products
Are you looking for a specific Santa? Please see the entire available Lynn Haney Collection.
Curious about recently sold designs from Lynn Haney? Click here to view some of our favorites!
Interested in seeing previous SOLD designs from our “Spirit of Santa Fe” Series?? You’ll definitely want to get on our wait list!